Event Information


Monday, Sep 16, 2024 7:00 PM

In 1994, at twenty-four, Ricardo (Boucher) has already given up on his dream to become a filmmaker. However, a call from Radio-Canada advising that he was a finalist for the program La Course edition 1994-95 rekindled the young man’s artistic flame. Commissioned by the public broadcaster to produce twenty short films around the world, we meet up with Ricardo as he lands in Egypt, halfway through the televised “race.” Experiencing one problem after another to produce a four-minute film about excision, Ricardo will question many things, including his very own nature. Is he or is he not a true artist? This is the fourth film in director Ricardo Trogi’s semi-autobiographical series after 1981, 1987, and 1991.

En 1994, à 24 ans, Ricardo a abandonné son rêve d’être cinéaste. Un appel vient cependant raviver la flamme artistique du jeune homme. Sa candidature a été retenue parmi les finalistes de l’émission La Course édition 1994-95. Sa vie change du tout au tout. À mi-chemin, alors qu’il vient de débarquer en Égypte et qu’il traverse plus d’une difficulté pour réaliser un de ses reportages, il remettra en cause un tas de choses, dont sa propre nature. Est-il ou non un véritable artiste? 1995 est le huitième long métrage de Ricardo Trogi. Il a réalisé, entre autres, Québec-Montréal, 1981 et 1987.

Event Pricing
Gala Admission Gala Admission - $21.00

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Event Date Passed

Film Info
Genre Tag:Comedy / Comédie
Reception:9 - 11 PM at Lot 88 Steakhouse & Bar (1070 Kingsway)
Programme:Gala Presentation
Release Year/Année de sortie:2024
Run Time/Durée:120
Original Language/Langue originale:In French with English subtitles
Cast/Crew Info
Director/Réalisateur:Ricardo Trogi
Starring/Mettant en vedette:Jean-Carl Boucher
Sandrine Bisson
Claudio Colangelo
Shadi Janho
Rose Adam
Distributed By/Distribué par:Immina Films