

SilverCity Sudbury Sat, Sep 21, 2024 1:00 PM
Film Info
Genre Tag:Drama / Drame
Programme:World Cinema / Films étrangers
Release Year/Année de sortie:2024
Run Time/Durée:104
Original Language/Langue originale:In Spanish with English subtitles
Cast/Crew Info
Director/Réalisateur:Klaudia Reynicke
Starring/Mettant en vedette:Abril Gjurinovic
Luna Vega
Jemina Lindo
Gonzalo Molina
Susi Sánchez
Distributed By/Distribué par:Films We Like
Sponsored By/Comandité par:Agilis Networks

Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. Lucia (Gjurinovic), Aurora (Vega) and their mother Elena (Lindo) are about to leave. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to a country, to family and friends, but above all to Carlos (Molina), a father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. In the midst of Peru's social and political chaos, this announced departure will give rise to contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on, their frustrations and fears are mixed with excitement and expectation, as the family faces the difficult truth about the losses this departure implies. Reinas is an intense, choral and moving tale of initiation, in the spirit of the 90s.

En 1992, tout va très rapidement à Lima. Lucia, Aurora et leur mère Elena sont sur le point de partir aux États-Unis. Elles appréhendent les adieux à leurs proches, notamment Carlos, un père et ex-mari qui a pratiquement disparu de leur vie. Au cœur du chaos social et politique qui règne au Pérou, cet exil annoncé engendre des sentiments contradictoires, ravive d'anciens regrets et génère de nouvelles illusions. L’avenir s’imprègne d’incertitudes. Dans un magma d’espérance, de peur, de perte, de frustration et d’attente, Lucia, Aurora et Elena sont contraintes d’affronter tout ce que partir implique.