Tétanos (Lockjaw)

    Showing In

    Short Circuit XII: Understanding / Misunderstanding
    Digital Screening Room Mon, Sep 19, 2022 12:00 PM - Mon, Sep 26, 2022 12:00 PM
    To purchase a Virtual Passport, visit Cinefest.com/tickets Please note that this film is only available to stream in Canada; "Alex" and "Great Seeing You" are only available to stream in Ontario.
    Film Info
    Release Year/Année de sortie:2022
    Run Time/Durée:11
    Original Language/Langue originale:In French with English subtitles
    Cast/Crew Info
    Director/Réalisateur:Alexandre Lefebvre
    Distributed By/Distribué par:Travelling Distribution


    Searching through junk and metal, a young scrap dealer tries to track down how rust clogged up his relationship with his father.



    En fouillant à travers les rebuts des autres, un jeune ferrailleur retrace comment la rouille s’est incrustée dans sa relation avec son père.